Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Daily Work Scoring Rubric

Insufficient 1
Developing 2
Proficient 3
Exemplary 4
Mastery of Skills
Student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive practice or study needed for mastery
Student shows limited knowledge and skills; some elements require additional study or practice

Demonstrates required knowledge and skills with a considerable degree of effectiveness;  insight and application may be inconsistent
Demonstrates required knowledge and skills with a high degree of understanding, insight, and application
Attention to Detail
Responses consistently show lack of detail and development; elements may be incomplete.
All elements of response are complete, but response frequently needs clarification and/or development
All elements of response are complete, but some elements of the response may be less full, detailed, or insightful
All elements of response show mastery of skills full development of ideas, and attention to detail
Quality of Writing
Use of incomplete sentences, brief phrases, or vague wording significantly hinder understanding of responses
Responses frequently include incomplete sentences or vague wording, but the writer manages to communicate  his/her meaning
Sentences are clear, but may occasionally show lapses in diction or awkward constructions. Writing doesn’t hinder ideas – but doesn’t actively support clarity
Consistent use of well developed sentences and accurate, effective word choice actively support the meaning of responses

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