Thursday, May 12, 2016

Schedule for Period 2 Debates

June 6: 
College athletes should be considered employees, with the associated rights to organize and negotiate pay and benefits.
Bryan & Ryan (Aff.) vs. Hunter & Nolan (Neg.)

June 7:
The federal government should pass a law requiring physical education for all grade levels
Kira & Jewel (Aff.) vs Taylor & Jason (Neg.)

June 8:

The United States should replace the electoral college with direct election of the President
Sydney & Jordan(Aff.) vs. Alisha & Brianna (Neg.)

June 9:
Washington State should switch from a sales tax to a state income tax.
Aidan & Gabby (Aff.) vs. Fiona & Ally (Neg.)

June 10:
The United States should replace the electoral college with direct election of the President
Kassi & Atlanta (Aff.) vs. John & Jordyn (Neg.)

June 13:
The federal government should use a cap-and-trade system to limit and reduce carbon emissions
Vivian Jones & Emma Lindemeier (Aff.) vs. Mr. Street (Neg.)

June 14:
Local, state, and federal governments should work together to provide low cost or free housing for homeless citizens
Juyeon & Kayley vs. Angelique & Gabie M.

Schedule for Period 6 Debates

June 6:
The federal government should substantially increase the number of refugees given asylum in the United States.
Jasmine & Jasmine (Aff.) vs. Abe & Brian (Neg.)

June 7:
The U.S. should significantly reduce its military intervention abroad
Ian & Bri (Aff.) vs. Wren & Alissa (Neg.)

June 8:
The federal minimum wage should be raised to 15 dollars/hour
Brendan & Nicole (Aff.) vs. Kyle & Max (Neg.) 

June 9:
The U.S. should repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Aaron & Rachel(Aff.) vs. Aman & Michael (Neg.)

June 10:
Washington State should support random drug testing for public school students.
Cody & Cameron (Aff.) vs. Nathan & Emily (Neg.)

June 13:
The federal government should require technology companies to include software in their products that permit law enforcement agencies to access stored data.
Emma & Meghan (Aff.) vs. Hope & Catherine (Neg.)

June 14:
Immigration reform should include a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States.
Dawson & Danielle (Aff.) vs. Mr. Street (Neg.)

Monday, May 9, 2016

ONE LAST TIME! Review choices for tomorrow's test

Tomorrow, remember:
SEVERAL #2 Pencils ... No mechanical pencils
A good black pen

Take time to review some released items from last year's test
As you work with a partner try this:
1. Read the prompt and determine the task it calls for
2. Establish a thesis that clearly responds to the prompt
3. Identify two or three supporting claims and discuss how you will develop them.
4. Then, read the example responses and the scoring commentary provided by the College Board
5. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of you ideas with your partner.

Here's the link for the released test

And here are the links for the feedback, sample responses, and evaluations from the College Board

Prompt 1

Prompt 2

Prompt 3

If you want to work with a partner on reviewing some multiple choice instead, here are some final practice questions